WARNING-WARNING-WARNING If Your Hands, Arms, Feet or Legs Are Numb - If You Feel Shooting or Burning Pain or An Electric Sensation - You Are at Risk Don't Let Creeping Nerve Death Ruin Your Life!! Get The Help You Need - Here's What You Need to Know... If you experience numbness or tingling in your hands, arms, legs or feet or if you experience shooting or burning pain, this is important. Please read this carefully. Peripheral neuropathy, also known as Creeping Nerve Death, can kill nerves, cells, and muscles in your arms, legs, hands and feet, and cause to much pain it turns your life into a living hell. Peripheral Neuropathy is when small blood vessels in the hands, arms, feet or legs become Without treatment this can become a DOWN-WARD SPIRAL that your ability to be independent degrades. diseased and tiny nerves that keep "Neuropathy. First off, I didn't the cells and muscles working properly shrivel up and die. Early warning symptoms include Normal blood vessels when blood vessels disappear Blood wessel- tingling and numbness, mild loss of feeling in your hands, arms, legs or feet, inability to feel your feet, which increases your risk of foot injury or falling. More Advanced Symptoms Include... Loss of coordination & dexterity. High risk of falling. Burning sensations in your arms, legs, hands or feet. Inability to feel hot or cold. Inability to feel clothing like socks or gloves. All of these symptoms reduce your independence and cause you to miss out on important life events. Ignoring the early warning signs could put you at risk for progressive nerve damage leading to muscle wasting, severe pain, loss of balance and a lot of staying home wishing you weren't hurt. When individuals experience severe pain, they may feel like sitting is the best answer. But the more sitting one does the more damage can occur. The nerve damage causes the cells to be damaged. Cell damage speeds up the nerve degeneration. even know I had it. My regular chiropractor was seeing me for a rib issue but noticed coloring on my legs and suggested I make an appointment with Caron Chiropractic. After a quick and painless assessment, Dr. Caron shared what my results were and how he could help. During my weeks of at home therapy and in office treatments, I have found a new feeling in my legs. A tingling. Not painful or annoying, but a feeling of 'alive'. I have also experienced very minimal leg cramps since starting treatments. I sleep better. I have also noticed that my ankles don't throb or feel hot or burning when I'm in a car anymore. My experience has been great and the staff is all very helpful. I'm looking forward to finding more success as I continue to do the at home therapy." L.T. If you have early warning signs of peripheral neuropathy, (tingling and/or numbness, loss of feeling of pain) it's CRITICAL you get proper treatment. It's critical, because with proper treatment the symptoms can often be reversed. Without it, you are playing Russian Roulette with your health. Once your nerve loss reaches 85%, odds are there's nothing any doctor can do to help you. The most common method your doctor may recommend to treat neuropathy is prescription drugs. Drugs like Gabapentin, Lyrica, Cymbalta & Neurontin are often ption Ma NE TABLET HEVERY D Bx prescribed to manage the pain. But, damaged nerves and dying cells do not heal on their own. Pain pills do not restore healthy nerve function. They just mask the pain as the nerves continue to degenerate and cells and muscle continue to die. Taking endless drugs and suffering terrible side effects that may damage your liver and kidney and create even more problems, is not a reasonable path. You deserve better. Three things must be determined to effectively treat neuropathy. 1.) What is the underlying cause? 2.) How much nerve damage has been sustained? 3.) How much treatment will your condition require? With proper treatment, shriveled blood vessels grow back & nerves can return to proper function. How much treatment you need depends on your condition. At Caron Chiropractic, we do a complete neuropathy sensitivity exam to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only $49. The exam includes a detailed sensory evaluation, extensive peripheral vascular testing, and a detailed analysis of the findings. Stop Hurting & Start Healing Schedule an appointment TODAY! Dr. Douglas Caron, D.C. (605) 256-2964 120 N.W. 2nd St Madison, SD 57042 It's not far to Madison! *Please DO NOT call unless you are 100% serious about possibly resolving your condition WARNING - WARNING - WARNING If Your Hands , Arms , Feet or Legs Are Numb - If You Feel Shooting or Burning Pain or An Electric Sensation - You Are at Risk Don't Let Creeping Nerve Death Ruin Your Life !! Get The Help You Need - Here's What You Need to Know ... If you experience numbness or tingling in your hands , arms , legs or feet or if you experience shooting or burning pain , this is important . Please read this carefully . Peripheral neuropathy , also known as Creeping Nerve Death , can kill nerves , cells , and muscles in your arms , legs , hands and feet , and cause to much pain it turns your life into a living hell . Peripheral Neuropathy is when small blood vessels in the hands , arms , feet or legs become Without treatment this can become a DOWN - WARD SPIRAL that your ability to be independent degrades . diseased and tiny nerves that keep " Neuropathy . First off , I didn't the cells and muscles working properly shrivel up and die . Early warning symptoms include Normal blood vessels when blood vessels disappear Blood wessel- tingling and numbness , mild loss of feeling in your hands , arms , legs or feet , inability to feel your feet , which increases your risk of foot injury or falling . More Advanced Symptoms Include ... Loss of coordination & dexterity . High risk of falling . Burning sensations in your arms , legs , hands or feet . Inability to feel hot or cold . Inability to feel clothing like socks or gloves . All of these symptoms reduce your independence and cause you to miss out on important life events . Ignoring the early warning signs could put you at risk for progressive nerve damage leading to muscle wasting , severe pain , loss of balance and a lot of staying home wishing you weren't hurt . When individuals experience severe pain , they may feel like sitting is the best answer . But the more sitting one does the more damage can occur . The nerve damage causes the cells to be damaged . Cell damage speeds up the nerve degeneration . even know I had it . My regular chiropractor was seeing me for a rib issue but noticed coloring on my legs and suggested I make an appointment with Caron Chiropractic . After a quick and painless assessment , Dr. Caron shared what my results were and how he could help . During my weeks of at home therapy and in office treatments , I have found a new feeling in my legs . A tingling . Not painful or annoying , but a feeling of ' alive ' . I have also experienced very minimal leg cramps since starting treatments . I sleep better . I have also noticed that my ankles don't throb or feel hot or burning when I'm in a car anymore . My experience has been great and the staff is all very helpful . I'm looking forward to finding more success as I continue to do the at home therapy . " L.T. If you have early warning signs of peripheral neuropathy , ( tingling and / or numbness , loss of feeling of pain ) it's CRITICAL you get proper treatment . It's critical , because with proper treatment the symptoms can often be reversed . Without it , you are playing Russian Roulette with your health . Once your nerve loss reaches 85 % , odds are there's nothing any doctor can do to help you . The most common method your doctor may recommend to treat neuropathy is prescription drugs . Drugs like Gabapentin , Lyrica , Cymbalta & Neurontin are often ption Ma NE TABLET HEVERY D Bx prescribed to manage the pain . But , damaged nerves and dying cells do not heal on their own . Pain pills do not restore healthy nerve function . They just mask the pain as the nerves continue to degenerate and cells and muscle continue to die . Taking endless drugs and suffering terrible side effects that may damage your liver and kidney and create even more problems , is not a reasonable path . You deserve better . Three things must be determined to effectively treat neuropathy . 1. ) What is the underlying cause ? 2. ) How much nerve damage has been sustained ? 3. ) How much treatment will your condition require ? With proper treatment , shriveled blood vessels grow back & nerves can return to proper function . How much treatment you need depends on your condition . At Caron Chiropractic , we do a complete neuropathy sensitivity exam to determine the extent of the nerve damage for only $ 49 . The exam includes a detailed sensory evaluation , extensive peripheral vascular testing , and a detailed analysis of the findings . Stop Hurting & Start Healing Schedule an appointment TODAY ! Dr. Douglas Caron , D.C. ( 605 ) 256-2964 120 N.W. 2nd St Madison , SD 57042 It's not far to Madison ! * Please DO NOT call unless you are 100 % serious about possibly resolving your condition