
United Way financially supports agencies who serve families in need. Agencies help feed disadvantaged families, support children and senior citizens and assisting individuals with necessary services. With your help, United Way makes hope a reality. The Mitchell United Way may mean different things to different people. To some, it means hope and to others it means access to basic needs. Most people will reply that Mitchell United Way means help. Help from an independent, local nonprofit organization designed to recognize essential Human Services. A Board of Directors consisting of community minded men and women determine policies and maintain a program beneficial to the entire community. Through a volunteer system, the United Way brings together businesses, government, organizations, employees, and dedicated individuals for a united approach to meet local needs. From August to October each year, volunteers raise funds to meet the Campaign goal necessary to assist 30 local organizations or agencies fulfill the basic needs of those less fortunate or experiencing hardship. 98% of all donated funds are used locally. Mitchell United Way distributes Campaign funds quarterly to member agencies throughout the following year.

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