Don't miss the CRAZY DAYS Fun! Saturday, July 24th | 10am-2pm I PLEDGE FOR ICE CREAM KICKOFF! Kids under age 12 - recite the Pledge of Allegiance and get a free ice cream! Children's Games Qnd Laoler Petting z00 Ice Cream TNT's Inflatabless FAMILY FARMS awler GAMES Face Painting #Condader CO TOYS And so much more!! Take a selfie with our Eagle's Wings f (605) 990-2529 Stop for lunch or a sweet treat while you shop! Don't miss the CRAZY DAYS Fun! Saturday, July 24th | 10am-2pm I PLEDGE FOR ICE CREAM KICKOFF! Kids under age 12 - recite the Pledge of Allegiance and get a free ice cream! Children's Games Qnd Laoler Petting z00 Ice Cream TNT's Inflatabless FAMILY FARMS awler GAMES Face Painting #Condader CO TOYS And so much more!! Take a selfie with our Eagle's Wings f (605) 990-2529 Stop for lunch or a sweet treat while you shop!