C&B C&B OPERATIONS JOHN DEERE C& B OPERATIONS YOUR LOCAL DEALER SINCE 1988 With 11 John Deere dealerships throughout South Dakota, C& B Operations has the parts, services, tools, and new and used equipment to meet your operation's needs. C & B-MITCHELL, SD (605) 996-6633 | 2600 WEST HAVENS DEEREQUIPMENT.COM C&B C&B OPERATIONS JOHN DEERE C& B OPERATIONS YOUR LOCAL DEALER SINCE 1988 With 11 John Deere dealerships throughout South Dakota, C& B Operations has the parts, services, tools, and new and used equipment to meet your operation's needs. C & B-MITCHELL, SD (605) 996-6633 | 2600 WEST HAVENS DEEREQUIPMENT.COM