DakotaDisovrm 2018 Sumer Stxkibt Dakota Diaspora: the Jewish Community of South Dakota e Transfer of Memory ntisemitism: History, Causes and Solutions" Ms. Phyllis Goldstein, author of "A Convenient Hatred" joins us at Dakota Discovery Museum to talk about antisemitism. What is antisemitism? Where did it come from? Why is it bad? And how can we get better at recognizing and changing the future? September 5th at 7:00 p.m PLEASE CALL 996-2122 TO RESERVE A SEAT! MUSEUM HOURS ARE MON-FRI 9-6, SAT 10-4 www.dakotadiscovery.com iscoVerl EWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL MINNESOTA & THE DA KOTAS MUSEUM HISTORY . C Funded in part by a grant from South Dakota Humanities Council