M&H= MCH VELC MCH We would like to thank everyone for voting us the Best of Mitchell for Fountain M&H pop once again! Established 1896 M&H Stores has what you need to keep on trucking! MINNESOTA POWERL 0000-0000000-0 ROVER PLA Food & Grocery Items Beverage & Snacks Fuel & Car Wash Lottery Tickets 201 West Havens Mitchell 605.996.5761 M & H = MCH VELC MCH We would like to thank everyone for voting us the Best of Mitchell for Fountain M & H pop once again ! Established 1896 M & H Stores has what you need to keep on trucking ! MINNESOTA POWERL 0000-0000000-0 ROVER PLA Food & Grocery Items Beverage & Snacks Fuel & Car Wash Lottery Tickets 201 West Havens Mitchell 605.996.5761