THIS WEEK, Continuing our series on RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH we'll look at REPENTANCE Saturday, July 27, at 11am 1. Repentance isa gift, a sorrowfor and turning away from sins. Therefore, sorrow for sin is a gift, and turning away from sins is a gift. Acts 5:31. 2. We do not change our lives in order to come to Christ. We come to Him just as we are, and He changes our lives. Matthew 11:28. 3.God gives us repentance before He gives forgiveness. Acts 3:19 4. Worldly sorrow is being sorry we broke a law and got caught. Godly sorrow is being sorry we broke a heart and hurt our best Friend.2 Corinthians 7:10. Pastor Dave moench Mitchell Seventh-day Adventist Church-720 E. 1 Ave THIS WEEK, Continuing our series on RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH we'll look at REPENTANCE Saturday, July 27, at 11am 1. Repentance isa gift, a sorrowfor and turning away from sins. Therefore, sorrow for sin is a gift, and turning away from sins is a gift. Acts 5:31. 2. We do not change our lives in order to come to Christ. We come to Him just as we are, and He changes our lives. Matthew 11:28. 3.God gives us repentance before He gives forgiveness. Acts 3:19 4. Worldly sorrow is being sorry we broke a law and got caught. Godly sorrow is being sorry we broke a heart and hurt our best Friend.2 Corinthians 7:10. Pastor Dave moench Mitchell Seventh-day Adventist Church-720 E. 1 Ave