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    May 6, 2022
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Precialon Ag TechnologyAgranomy vander gene Deure Hemete CONGRATS Name Na Der Mametante Power Line ConetructionMatenane Accounting Mche Cte AyM n Adnonpe D Caetane Moini In Sebr Nhan egers AAS AAS Miche Administrative Oice Specialist Tuty ficou Login r ompon AAS ley Tyon tha Hing Mitchell Technical College Class of 2022 ngelenturg etvar Agricultural Busine Con Derre tanonames nige Zahary Coe Witeck Canar John ocky Janine Bate Bbertu Deune Hometaenate Power Sporta Technology Marine Licensed Pratical Nureing MaADok eden Oat AAS AAS Nam Hemetawnte Pewer Seerts Tecnolegy - Meterevtie Aa Mara M Leah Ae Clectrica Construction D Maintenance ECM) ra Machining Manutacturing AAS Medical Assistant Precislen Ag Technelogy Agranamy che Maon Dles t oger trang AAS AAS AA gal Ttan gemen face an Viert Colty Animal Selene cnard werndo jony Ry wheele byan hanese yle L ol AAS Emery S0 Camia w Kob AAS Medical Laberatery Teshnalegy Ann b EOMD SCADA (3 veard Maee C AAS mock ThomesScom Pregressive Welding Technlegy eieoi Mranda C Hu eeth Electrical Uesubtation tehle Medical Dtice Professional Tacher fan Gora Loren Mhe Amber Schee Madoonaman randon R Cot An He Alan Arehitectural Design ng Denstrtion Corel cm Trayn n tric A en Sco H Jce Ke Rogers Natural Gas Techeelogv N Veley Gon yonWyte stersen aingron Deospatial Technologies MAPI Sno0 A Radatien Therapy Andro Din Mertn Doona Water Grand Fa Mane nehot Heating Cooling Technalogy Shae DAMane Fredy oro ALo W Den orahan wyte AAS AAS Dolom Power Line Construction Maintenance (PL) En D A Radielegie Technology Da Ma Automation Contrai/SCADA JmesPn AAS Ae Ret John T (then Randal Vesy fanver ta chrd weson AAS Mche AAS J onddter tayor Human Services Techeieian Pa n 0 n dchokp e etu, yan Aertad Madion n anen eR Dougheny AAS AAS A Mt y Autometion Engineering technology AAS Spr nderde yde E epistered Nursing Agl coe Mana D Antn Thun AA Mchel 60 siness Management Distne Brame AAS temation tystem teshna ene Shannon Mare Jden Ruy e Ka Mahe Mran e themoon eKonda 8 Mon te Merng Mount Trenter ENeever Culinary Acadeyef Seuth Daketa ren tas Ron L Wee Magge Licensed Pratical Nursing Westo ige Wed wdnther Doe tance wY Ce Diesel Pwer - Ag Pewer Technology nte Faige C Smal siness Management wengton A50 Ad n50 ne Wene Wker Dougan Dive AGregory fraver R engon ongso Hlee Aney Seech-Language Pthley Assitent. Pele Peroco Diesel PwerL Truck Technetegy, umman under uns Jeica Legh Mauntan Electrical Conatrution Maintenane ECHI r Laa I e Atenod HAmander ande yes Technology/PL-NGT M tever w thoe AAS MITCHELL TECHNICAL COLLEGE es techaleg/MAP AAS Mchel 0 Ao Ber Gabril Kn thom Walding Technalogy Nocnte CHalen Wnrand Technologie avde Dann Dedrode oFrancis a Spgn Mheel unteroeni Carter J Nay Kaw Manon M mitchelltech.edu Mitchell Wind Turbine technolog Jordin LaPton0 Ton Lagmon AAS Jo Artona Mae Thu od do net carttractuel degre completion Winner 50 Precialon Ag TechnologyAgranomy vander gene Deure Hemete CONGRATS Name Na Der Mametante Power Line ConetructionMatenane Accounting Mche Cte AyM n Adnonpe D Caetane Moini In Sebr Nhan egers AAS AAS Miche Administrative Oice Specialist Tuty ficou Login r ompon AAS ley Tyon tha Hing Mitchell Technical College Class of 2022 ngelenturg etvar Agricultural Busine Con Derre tanonames nige Zahary Coe Witeck Canar John ocky Janine Bate Bbertu Deune Hometaenate Power Sporta Technology Marine Licensed Pratical Nureing MaADok eden Oat AAS AAS Nam Hemetawnte Pewer Seerts Tecnolegy - Meterevtie Aa Mara M Leah Ae Clectrica Construction D Maintenance ECM) ra Machining Manutacturing AAS Medical Assistant Precislen Ag Technelogy Agranamy che Maon Dles t oger trang AAS AAS AA gal Ttan gemen face an Viert Colty Animal Selene cnard werndo jony Ry wheele byan hanese yle L ol AAS Emery S0 Camia w Kob AAS Medical Laberatery Teshnalegy Ann b EOMD SCADA (3 veard Maee C AAS mock ThomesScom Pregressive Welding Technlegy eieoi Mranda C Hu eeth Electrical Uesubtation tehle Medical Dtice Professional Tacher fan Gora Loren Mhe Amber Schee Madoonaman randon R Cot An He Alan Arehitectural Design ng Denstrtion Corel cm Trayn n tric A en Sco H Jce Ke Rogers Natural Gas Techeelogv N Veley Gon yonWyte stersen aingron Deospatial Technologies MAPI Sno0 A Radatien Therapy Andro Din Mertn Doona Water Grand Fa Mane nehot Heating Cooling Technalogy Shae DAMane Fredy oro ALo W Den orahan wyte AAS AAS Dolom Power Line Construction Maintenance (PL) En D A Radielegie Technology Da Ma Automation Contrai/SCADA JmesPn AAS Ae Ret John T (then Randal Vesy fanver ta chrd weson AAS Mche AAS J onddter tayor Human Services Techeieian Pa n 0 n dchokp e etu, yan Aertad Madion n anen eR Dougheny AAS AAS A Mt y Autometion Engineering technology AAS Spr nderde yde E epistered Nursing Agl coe Mana D Antn Thun AA Mchel 60 siness Management Distne Brame AAS temation tystem teshna ene Shannon Mare Jden Ruy e Ka Mahe Mran e themoon eKonda 8 Mon te Merng Mount Trenter ENeever Culinary Acadeyef Seuth Daketa ren tas Ron L Wee Magge Licensed Pratical Nursing Westo ige Wed wdnther Doe tance wY Ce Diesel Pwer - Ag Pewer Technology nte Faige C Smal siness Management wengton A50 Ad n50 ne Wene Wker Dougan Dive AGregory fraver R engon ongso Hlee Aney Seech-Language Pthley Assitent. Pele Peroco Diesel PwerL Truck Technetegy, umman under uns Jeica Legh Mauntan Electrical Conatrution Maintenane ECHI r Laa I e Atenod HAmander ande yes Technology/PL-NGT M tever w thoe AAS MITCHELL TECHNICAL COLLEGE es techaleg/MAP AAS Mchel 0 Ao Ber Gabril Kn thom Walding Technalogy Nocnte CHalen Wnrand Technologie avde Dann Dedrode oFrancis a Spgn Mheel unteroeni Carter J Nay Kaw Manon M mitchelltech.edu Mitchell Wind Turbine technolog Jordin LaPton0 Ton Lagmon AAS Jo Artona Mae Thu od do net carttractuel degre completion Winner 50