Dedicated to assisting agriculture producers in South Dakota. Farm/Ranch Financial Recordkeeping The South Dakota Center for Farm/Ranch Management at Mitchell Technical Institute assists ag producers to become better managers by focusing on: Recordkeeping Software Risk Management Plans Goal Setting Enterprise Analysis Contact Information: (605) 995-7191 South Dokoto center for FARM/RANCH NAGEMENT, MT Mitchell Technical Institute 1800 E. Spruce St., Mitchell, SD 57301 Dedicated to assisting agriculture producers in South Dakota. Farm/Ranch Financial Recordkeeping The South Dakota Center for Farm/Ranch Management at Mitchell Technical Institute assists ag producers to become better managers by focusing on: Recordkeeping Software Risk Management Plans Goal Setting Enterprise Analysis Contact Information: (605) 995-7191 South Dokoto center for FARM/RANCH NAGEMENT, MT Mitchell Technical Institute 1800 E. Spruce St., Mitchell, SD 57301