CAMP OUT THE Gverview Ame ON THE NEW LAKE VERMILLION RE EAT Known for its clearwaters and obu Fshermen. booters ond swimmers. During the fol spotsmen con find waterfowl and upland game within minutes from the park. This 512-ocreresevoir is locoled 27 mies weat of Stoux fals, campgrounds with bothectrical ond nen-electrical sites and comping cobi provide plerty of visitors, You con hit the beach nent a conce or koyak cr unpock your fahing gea naleye northern pike roople orblueg Area they ore available yeareound Each cieeps four people ond is furnis double bed, table, benches and hecting/or conditioning Lore Vemilig waera from the eost fork of the Vermi lor Plver in 1958 The river it French mapper who coles it Crer Srenm The word vemilion meg Peod More v Click imoge to epond eight ch of ation you choooe to stay in cobin u GO OUTDOORS |- the site is available - the sit SOUTH DAKOTA LAKE VERM DAK CAMPGR AERIAL VIEW SOUTH DAKOTA Game, Fish & Parks RESERVE A CAMPSITE AT CAMPSD.COM c2021 South Dakoto Gome, Fsh, and Pa CAMP OUT THE Gverview Ame ON THE NEW LAKE VERMILLION RE EAT Known for its clearwaters and obu Fshermen. booters ond swimmers. During the fol spotsmen con find waterfowl and upland game within minutes from the park. This 512-ocreresevoir is locoled 27 mies weat of Stoux fals, campgrounds with bothectrical ond nen-electrical sites and comping cobi provide plerty of visitors, You con hit the beach nent a conce or koyak cr unpock your fahing gea naleye northern pike roople orblueg Area they ore available yeareound Each cieeps four people ond is furnis double bed, table, benches and hecting/or conditioning Lore Vemilig waera from the eost fork of the Vermi lor Plver in 1958 The river it French mapper who coles it Crer Srenm The word vemilion meg Peod More v Click imoge to epond eight ch of ation you choooe to stay in cobin u GO OUTDOORS |- the site is available - the sit SOUTH DAKOTA LAKE VERM DAK CAMPGR AERIAL VIEW SOUTH DAKOTA Game, Fish & Parks RESERVE A CAMPSITE AT CAMPSD.COM c2021 South Dakoto Gome, Fsh, and Pa