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  • Published Date

    May 15, 2018
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2018 S.D. INSURANCE STATEMENTS continued from page As 42579 19240 FROM ANNUAL STAT, FROM ANNUAL STATEMENT Year Ending December 31, 2017 ALLIED INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA FROM ANNUAL STATEMENT ALLIED PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CO. FROM Ending December 31, 2017 ALLSTATE INDEMNITY COMPANY 2775 Sanders Road ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY Des Moines, IA 50391-2007 Road, Sulte H1E Celumbus, OH 43215-2220 Northbrook, IL 60082-7127 58.922.414 and Bank Dpots. Cash and Bank Deposits an Bank De33395,724 Agents Balances or31,877 Due and Accrued ...···.. . . 224,561,365 TOTA ATES SUD LIAB UTIES, SURPLUS, OTHER FUNDS LIABILITIES, SURPLUS, OTHER FUNDS LIABIITIES, SURPLUS, OTHER FUNDS Otter Expenses (excluding ncome Taxxos) * 106,251 229317 38 Uneamed Premiums TOTAL LIABILTIES.11,763,525 4,200.000 Unassigned Funds (Surplus)437,779 .102773,652 Spocial Surplus Funds Special Surplus Funds Special Suplus Funds. 3,000.000 3,000,000 3,903,300 Gross Pald in and 3.398126,117 Unassigned Funds (Surplus)14,018422,737 Unassigned Funds (Surplus).367.388 7 454 431 217 78,291.26 400.342.288 15.246.891 BUSINES5 IN SOUTH DAKOTA 2017 BUSINES5 IN SOUTH DAKOTA 2017 CAPITOL, PIERRE STATE CAPITOL, PIERRE COMPANY S CERTIFICATE WHEREAS, the Alied Insurance Company ef WHEREAS, the Alied Property and Casualty WHEREAS te Alstate Indemity Corpany, WHEREAS, the Alstate Insurance Company, Insurance Laws of the State of South Dakota of the Isurance Laws of the State of South Lawa of the State of SouthDakoa hsurance Laws of the Sate of South Dakolar NOW THEREFORE, te undensigned, Director of Insurance of the Sate of South Dakola. pursuant to the provisions of sald laws, do hereby certy that the above named Company is fuly pursuant to the provisions of sald laws, do hereby certiry that the above named Company is fuly pursuant to he provisions of sad laws, do hereby certty that he above named Company is fuly pursuant to the provisions of said laws, do heroby certy that the above named Company is fuly transact the numbered ines of business isted transact the numbered Ines of business isted ransact the numbered lines of business listed 1-3.4-5-6-7-8910-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 3. Fire & Alied Lindes 6. Bodly injury Lib 2.3,4,5,67,89,1,12,13,14 3. Fire & Alled Lines 3. Fire & Aed Lineg 4, Inland & Ocean Marine 6 Bodly Injury Liabi ty 7.Property Damage (Other than Auto) 4, Inland & Ocoan Marlne 6 Bodly Injury Liability 6. Dodily Injury Liabity Damage (other than Auto .Property Damage (Other than Auto) 8. Auto Bodly Injuny 9. Auto Property Damage 8. Auto Body Inun Damage (other than Auto) B. Auto Bodiy Injuny 9. Auto Property Damage 9. Auto Property Damage 11. Fidelity& Surety 8. Auto Body Injuny 9. Auto Property Damage Damage Sunety 21 In tis State according to the Laas thereot, unless this Certifcate ol Authority is otherwise revoked, 21. In this State according to the Laws thereof, unless this Certtcate of Authority is otherwise ravoked, this State accoding to the Laws thereol, unless n this State according to the Laws thereol, unless set my hand and oficial seal at Pieme, &. D., this st day ot May, AD, 2018 set my hand and official seal at Pieme, S. D., thi st day of May, AD, 2018. set my hand and oiolal seal at Pieme, S. D thia st day of May, AD, 2018 set my hand and official seal at Piere, S. D., this 1st day of May, AD, 2018.