WESSINGTON SPRINGS CYBERSCHOOL INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Wessington Springs School District, as a leader in innovative education, provides an outstanding online schooling option for South Dakota students. We would like to invite you to one of our information meetings to learn more about what we offer. As you make your decision to homeschool, we hope you strongly consider the Wessington Springs Cyber-school. Mitchell July 11th 7:00pm Mitchell Technical Institute 1800 E. Spruce St. Huron July 15th 7:00pm Beadle County Health Office Lincoln & 3rd St. SW For more information, please contact Dr. Pittman at 605-539-9391 or pandi.pittman@k12.sd.us WESSINGTON SPRINGS CYBERSCHOOL INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS Wessington Springs School District, as a leader in innovative education, provides an outstanding online schooling option for South Dakota students. We would like to invite you to one of our information meetings to learn more about what we offer. As you make your decision to homeschool, we hope you strongly consider the Wessington Springs Cyber-school. Mitchell July 11th 7:00pm Mitchell Technical Institute 1800 E. Spruce St. Huron July 15th 7:00pm Beadle County Health Office Lincoln & 3rd St. SW For more information, please contact Dr. Pittman at 605-539-9391 or pandi.pittman@k12.sd.us