FIREARMS OLD WEST COLLECTABLES VINTAGE TOYS - MEMORABILIA LARGE AUCTION of The Jim Thompson & Gerry Avery Collections" BLACK HILLS OF SD Featuring 27 Winchesters, Henrys, Colts, AR's & others; SD Brand Book Collection, 350+ metal & vintage toys, Life size Buffalo Art, Old West collectables, CD Jukebox, The "Green Door Store" inventory and MORE. . Several hundred lots! Online only bidding open November 8-12 2018 at See listing, photos, terms, conditions & BID at Located at CUSTER SD, shipping available. Ph. Bradeen Auction at 605-673-2629 if unable to bid online or for info. Auctioneers Note: This is a large auction of many rare & unique collectables & firearms by well-known Rodeo/Radio personality Jim Thompson of Belle Fourche, SD. as well as a lifetime collection of vintage toys by Black Hills native Gerry Avery. Plan to inspect, and place your bids ONLINE! Sewing tie Block Hh Aiea for 90 Years Auctions professionally managed by: REAL ESTATE &AUCTIONS 05-67-2629 www.lHaution.con Custe SD