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    December 4, 2020
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Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan Peccie with a co-pey heath plan wil be charged a sma fied tee. known aa co-o when they vista dinic or urgent care cenner the day ot ter vist. These plans also have a deducble you munt meet prior to tharing the cont with your heth insurarce caier. Aber you meet vour deducbie, you pev the consance peroge o 1o your maim outol podat amour THE ADVANTADE vou can epect lower outof podat costs Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE FIP SIDE you paya higher premum, which is the set amount you pay each month for coverage Premium prices ere drectly related to the outtgodet costs you pay. you have lower premums you'lely have hgher deductiole and consurance peroentage BEST FOR peccle who know they will have sgniticare heath care eoenses, ncluding prescrption drugn. during the coming year Some decsors in e more serious then others. Some more contusing noo. buheah insuance plan choces need nor be overwhaiming 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the other hand, people who have a high deductibie healh plan piy outol podet or he services vo to her deductible mount Y have to pay thar belore your insuance covers any of your costs Take a le tme to consider the bescs before deciding knowng your coverage can heip you in the evens of an inryor ess A Hesh Sevings Account HSA recommended a good pever in coverage toahigh deductible heath plan. Wih a HSA vou can invest ates dolar and se the account to pay for certain medical enpenses N you would inour betore you meet your deductible Identifying the Best Health Plan It can be a tremendous task o idensty the best heah insurance plan for your needs. The fest ting you need to know are the two main canegories of plans copay and BENEHT you pay loer premume ch monm high deductible BEST FOR people whe ae generely heety or dot epect to have sgticant health care penses They can then une money that is sed the loner premium and set taide tofunda HSA Consider These Questions Betore making a fnal thoce, n goodto revew a fow base questiona, uch an Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans No mater whch plan you hoose you get a lot of preventve cere sne cont to you This includen preventive screenings recommended for your ge and gender, such a Mammogram What wit e plan coer? What ia the amount ot the deductible and coinsurance *What heamountof the monthly premium? *Colonoscopies Yey ene vaits Pap tem imhuniationa Chid wel-checa Remember to figure te premumannualy tecne 1 ge vou a bener comparion to a contranting high Yout so get valueadded servces tat help you ay healther deductible plan A Docouns at select sones centers A Free vwinat vas win mast pens D wetbeng education O Heh ton tor done condtione These preventive benefts aealabie whener you geta pan ough Another good starting pointisto doa bitof math and torecant the ynar so come. You can estmate your possble outol podet costs by considering cine vis, topital Care or prescretion dvgs you may need You ant o ik about how much your cops cost your deductbe and out olgockat maumum hethcare gov or directy through Avera Heath Plana Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just coverage, it's about making connections. Individual and family insurance: 247 AveraNow urgent care virtual visits at no cost for most plans We know health care isn't one size fes all. Avera Health Plans connects you with the right type of care when you need it uning a network of specialists, clinics and virtual care options Well being programs to help you stay healthy, including discounts at select feness centers Avera Health Plare Get a quote for Individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to A beam dedicated to connecting you to health care and community resources that help you meet yout well being goals Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan Peccie with a co-pey heath plan wil be charged a sma fied tee. known aa co-o when they vista dinic or urgent care cenner the day ot ter vist. These plans also have a deducble you munt meet prior to tharing the cont with your heth insurarce caier. Aber you meet vour deducbie, you pev the consance peroge o 1o your maim outol podat amour THE ADVANTADE vou can epect lower outof podat costs Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE FIP SIDE you paya higher premum, which is the set amount you pay each month for coverage Premium prices ere drectly related to the outtgodet costs you pay. you have lower premums you'lely have hgher deductiole and consurance peroentage BEST FOR peccle who know they will have sgniticare heath care eoenses, ncluding prescrption drugn. during the coming year Some decsors in e more serious then others. Some more contusing noo. buheah insuance plan choces need nor be overwhaiming 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the other hand, people who have a high deductibie healh plan piy outol podet or he services vo to her deductible mount Y have to pay thar belore your insuance covers any of your costs Take a le tme to consider the bescs before deciding knowng your coverage can heip you in the evens of an inryor ess A Hesh Sevings Account HSA recommended a good pever in coverage toahigh deductible heath plan. Wih a HSA vou can invest ates dolar and se the account to pay for certain medical enpenses N you would inour betore you meet your deductible Identifying the Best Health Plan It can be a tremendous task o idensty the best heah insurance plan for your needs. The fest ting you need to know are the two main canegories of plans copay and BENEHT you pay loer premume ch monm high deductible BEST FOR people whe ae generely heety or dot epect to have sgticant health care penses They can then une money that is sed the loner premium and set taide tofunda HSA Consider These Questions Betore making a fnal thoce, n goodto revew a fow base questiona, uch an Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans No mater whch plan you hoose you get a lot of preventve cere sne cont to you This includen preventive screenings recommended for your ge and gender, such a Mammogram What wit e plan coer? What ia the amount ot the deductible and coinsurance *What heamountof the monthly premium? *Colonoscopies Yey ene vaits Pap tem imhuniationa Chid wel-checa Remember to figure te premumannualy tecne 1 ge vou a bener comparion to a contranting high Yout so get valueadded servces tat help you ay healther deductible plan A Docouns at select sones centers A Free vwinat vas win mast pens D wetbeng education O Heh ton tor done condtione These preventive benefts aealabie whener you geta pan ough Another good starting pointisto doa bitof math and torecant the ynar so come. You can estmate your possble outol podet costs by considering cine vis, topital Care or prescretion dvgs you may need You ant o ik about how much your cops cost your deductbe and out olgockat maumum hethcare gov or directy through Avera Heath Plana Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just coverage, it's about making connections. Individual and family insurance: 247 AveraNow urgent care virtual visits at no cost for most plans We know health care isn't one size fes all. Avera Health Plans connects you with the right type of care when you need it uning a network of specialists, clinics and virtual care options Well being programs to help you stay healthy, including discounts at select feness centers Avera Health Plare Get a quote for Individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to A beam dedicated to connecting you to health care and community resources that help you meet yout well being goals