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    May 7, 2021
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Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan People wth a co p heath plan vl be cherped a smal fed fee. inow a coon when they visit a cinic or urgent care certer the day of their visit. These pans aso have a deductble you must meet pror t aring the cost wit your heah insuranoe camer. Aher you meet your deductele, vou py the consurance percenage ve to vour maium out of pocat amount Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE ADVANTAGE you an enpect lower out of odat cots THE FUP SIDE V ahgher prem which in the set anout you pay ach mondh for coverage Premum prices are drecty related to he out of codet coes you pay. Hyou have ower preiums, you lely have a higher deductble and consurance percertage BEST FOR persle who know they will hae signilicant heath care penom, incuding prescrioton drugn, durirg he coning ve Some decsonsine more seriout than others Some moe contusing soo, but heah insunce plen chooes need not be overwhelming 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the other hand, pecple who tave ahigh deductible heath plan pey outofeodet or heath servioes se o er deductible amount You tue to pay that betore your inunce coves eny of your costs take aite time to consider the bases before deciding -knowno yor coverge can he you inthe ent of an inry or ness A Heath Savings Account SAa recommended an a good pertner in rege to a high deducble health plan. Wie a HSA you tan invest tatree dars and use the account to py for cenain medcal epenes hat vou old incur belore you meet your deductie Identifying the Best Health Plan Rante e bemendos task so dereity the best heath nurance plan for yor need. The fst thing you need to BENET you py lower premuma each month inow are the two man categories of pans co pey and igh deucble BEST FOR people who re generaly healthy or dontepect to hae sgnficant he care eoenses. They can en e money that is sived in the lower premum and setit aide o fund a HSA Consider These Questions Belore mating a tral choon, s good to reve lew besicstona, ha Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans What wd e slan cove t No mater which plan you dhooe, you geta lot of prevenive care at no cost no vou This noldes preventive seenings recommended for vour gand gender uth es What is the amount et the deductible and conaurance Mammogram Colonosoneen *Yeary weness vinits Wat is the amour ot ne monty premun P tests munitions Oid welchedis Remember to fgure e premum anvuly. becee gve you a beter comparson teconting high deductble plan You aso get vatuedded services that help you stay heathint Another good starting sont is to do a bt of math and forecast he ye o oome You can estmane your possible sutol podet costs by cornidering cinc vsts, honpita cere or preserietion dgs you mey need oul wart to thek about how much your co p cost your deducsble and out ofoodet maimum A Discourm at select tes conters A Pe vinal vistswn most plana E welbeng education O Heth educaton ter deo condtone These preventive beneles ele whethe you geta plen tough hae gor or directy trough Aa Heath Pars Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just Individual and family insurance: coverage, it's about making co lons. We know health care ian't one sine fits all Avera Health Plans connects you with the right 247 AveraNow urgent care virtual visits at no cost for most plans type of care when you need it using a nenwork of specialists, clinics and virtual care options. Well-being programs to help you stay healthy, including discounts at Avera select fioness centers Health Par A team dedicated to connecting you to health care and community Get a quote for Individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to resources that help you meet your well-being goale Not Sure Which Health Insurance Plan Is Best? 1 Co-Pay Health Plan People wth a co p heath plan vl be cherped a smal fed fee. inow a coon when they visit a cinic or urgent care certer the day of their visit. These pans aso have a deductble you must meet pror t aring the cost wit your heah insuranoe camer. Aher you meet your deductele, vou py the consurance percenage ve to vour maium out of pocat amount Your guide to choosing a plan for your needs and budget THE ADVANTAGE you an enpect lower out of odat cots THE FUP SIDE V ahgher prem which in the set anout you pay ach mondh for coverage Premum prices are drecty related to he out of codet coes you pay. Hyou have ower preiums, you lely have a higher deductble and consurance percertage BEST FOR persle who know they will hae signilicant heath care penom, incuding prescrioton drugn, durirg he coning ve Some decsonsine more seriout than others Some moe contusing soo, but heah insunce plen chooes need not be overwhelming 2 High Deductible Health Plan On the other hand, pecple who tave ahigh deductible heath plan pey outofeodet or heath servioes se o er deductible amount You tue to pay that betore your inunce coves eny of your costs take aite time to consider the bases before deciding -knowno yor coverge can he you inthe ent of an inry or ness A Heath Savings Account SAa recommended an a good pertner in rege to a high deducble health plan. Wie a HSA you tan invest tatree dars and use the account to py for cenain medcal epenes hat vou old incur belore you meet your deductie Identifying the Best Health Plan Rante e bemendos task so dereity the best heath nurance plan for yor need. The fst thing you need to BENET you py lower premuma each month inow are the two man categories of pans co pey and igh deucble BEST FOR people who re generaly healthy or dontepect to hae sgnficant he care eoenses. They can en e money that is sived in the lower premum and setit aide o fund a HSA Consider These Questions Belore mating a tral choon, s good to reve lew besicstona, ha Expect Some Benefits with Both Plans What wd e slan cove t No mater which plan you dhooe, you geta lot of prevenive care at no cost no vou This noldes preventive seenings recommended for vour gand gender uth es What is the amount et the deductible and conaurance Mammogram Colonosoneen *Yeary weness vinits Wat is the amour ot ne monty premun P tests munitions Oid welchedis Remember to fgure e premum anvuly. becee gve you a beter comparson teconting high deductble plan You aso get vatuedded services that help you stay heathint Another good starting sont is to do a bt of math and forecast he ye o oome You can estmane your possible sutol podet costs by cornidering cinc vsts, honpita cere or preserietion dgs you mey need oul wart to thek about how much your co p cost your deducsble and out ofoodet maimum A Discourm at select tes conters A Pe vinal vistswn most plana E welbeng education O Heth educaton ter deo condtone These preventive beneles ele whethe you geta plen tough hae gor or directy trough Aa Heath Pars Connecting Coverage and Care Open Enrollment Is Happening Now! Health insurance is more than just Individual and family insurance: coverage, it's about making co lons. We know health care ian't one sine fits all Avera Health Plans connects you with the right 247 AveraNow urgent care virtual visits at no cost for most plans type of care when you need it using a nenwork of specialists, clinics and virtual care options. Well-being programs to help you stay healthy, including discounts at Avera select fioness centers Health Par A team dedicated to connecting you to health care and community Get a quote for Individual and Family insurance. Connect with an agent or go to resources that help you meet your well-being goale